Fostering Dad Engagement: Celebrating the Shared Journey of Parenthood at Creative Gardens

In the vast and varied landscape of parenthood, each parent plays an indispensable role. However, often, mothers are seen as the primary caregivers, while fathers are sometimes left on the periphery of the parenting discussion. At Creative Gardens, we believe that a more balanced approach to parenting includes both parents’ active engagement. This not only enhances the child’s development but also fosters a more enriching journey for the parents themselves.

A growing body of research supports this perspective. Studies have found that when dads are more involved in their children’s lives, it leads to better social, emotional, and cognitive outcomes for the child. In light of this, we at Creative Gardens have been seeking ways to boost father involvement in our community.

To this end, we’ve initiated “Dads and Drafts”, an innovative program where we choose a new local brewery each time and create a welcoming space for dads to connect, share experiences, discuss challenges, and celebrate triumphs of fatherhood. This isn’t just about having a beer; it’s about fostering a community of supportive dads who can lean on each other for advice and encouragement.

“Dads and Drafts” not only encourages camaraderie among fathers but also provides them with an opportunity to share in the wonders and responsibilities of parenthood. The relaxed and casual environment fosters open communication, enabling dads to gain insight and learn from each other’s experiences.

We’ve found that “Dads and Drafts” has also helped to bridge the gap between home and preschool. With fathers more aware of their children’s experiences at Creative Gardens, they can engage more deeply in their children’s learning journey, reinforcing and extending the skills and knowledge gained at preschool at home.

We are excited about the success of “Dads and Drafts” and are committed to creating more opportunities for dad engagement. We believe that when both parents are actively involved, it strengthens the connection between family and preschool, ensuring that every child’s educational journey is a shared adventure.

Our doors (and our drafts) are always open for dads who want to become more involved in their child’s life and join a community of supportive fathers. Join us for our next “Dads and Drafts” meet up and embark on a journey to more collaborative and enriched parenting.


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